Sea Sunday 11th July 2021

Prayer inspired by the Message for Sea Sunday (11 July 2021) 

of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

O God the Father, who call man and woman to cooperate with their labour in the work of your creation, we thank you for the tireless dedication of the people of the sea,

who in this period never stopped transporting from one port to another essential medical equipment and medicines to support the fight against the spread of the virus.

Grant them strength in moments of weakness, unity in diversity, a safe and smooth sailing and, once the contract is over, happiness to be reunited with their loved ones.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, with Your grace,

encourage the maritime industry to facilitate crew changes,

vaccinations and strengthen the implementation of international standards

to enhance and protect the human and working rights of the people of the sea.

Free us from the scourge of piracy and the tragic consequences of the abandonment of seafarers.

Holy Spirit, hovering over all the waters of the world,

awakens in the chaplains and volunteers of Stella Maris the appeal of the splendour of the faith,

so that they always witness it with the consistency of life,

revealing the caring face of the Church which welcomes and is close to the people of the sea,

responding without hesitation to their spiritual and material needs.

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Star of the Sea, we entrust to you the wellbeing of the people of the sea and pray that you continue to protect us all from all dangers, especially from COVID-19.

Assist us with Your maternal blessing, while we are sailing to the port of all our hopes.

Accompany those who are no longer with us into the house of Heavenly Father and

give comfort to grieving relatives and friends. Amen!

Havenpastoraat in de bres voor vaccinaties

Havenaalmoezenier Marc Schippers van de Sailor's Society en voorzitter van de Antwerp Seafarer's Welfare, vertelde onlangs in ‘ De Band’( het kerkblad van de Verenigde Protestantse Kerk in België), zijn ervaringen over een tragisch overlijden aan boord. Lees hier zijn verhaal.

Day of the Seafarer 25th June

Tijdens het jaarlijkse IAPH congres ( International Association of Ports and Harbours) dat omwille van Corona dit jaar digitaal vanuit Antwerpen doorging werd op 25 juni speciaal aandacht besteed aan de ‘Day of the Seafarer’. De gastvrouw van de conferentie Francesca Vanthielen interviewde Tony Vuylsteke, PR verantwoordelijke van Stella Maris die de activiteiten van Stella Maris ten dienste van de zeeman en de problemen veroorzaakt door de Corona pandemie voor de zeevarenden belichtte. Bekijk hierna het interview met Tony Vuylsteke

GVA 29/4/2021 Corona gijzelt zeelui

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